“Which society is easier to live in – the one where conflicts are avoided or the one where they are freely engaged in?” – such a question will be posed at Språkcafe by the Swedish language lecturers Jelena Skovorodko from Šiaurės kryptimi“ language school and Justina Donielaite, who had been living in the Swedish-speaking part of Finland’s Åland for 14 years and is currently working as Business Development Manager at FeelFree Insurance.

We invite you to join the conversation in Swedish:

  • How do Swedes, Finns, and Lithuanians react to conflicts? Are we similar?
  • What solutions would people choose in the context of conflicts,
  • How would they react in different situations in Scandinavia and Lithuania?

DATE: 15 June, at 18:00 (Lithuanian time)

VENUE: online (Microsoft Teams)

REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/QUe9wH3QTsF84kWB8

The event is free of charge.

✨ Microsoft Teams link will be sent before the event.

“Šiaurės kryptimi” Swedish lecturer Jelena will be there to help if you run out of words, so there’s no need to worry – Språkcafé💬 is the space to improve your spoken Swedish skills, learn something new, broaden your horizons and expand your vocabulary.

Vi ses där!