When participating in this event you will learn more about why sustainability is crucial for all companies – small, medium and large. Our experts in the field will give you an outlook on common questions in the corporate world right now and their perspective on why they are important for the future of your business.

Our consultants within ESG/Sustainability will share their thoughts and experiences with you, based on their day-to-day meetings with several companies in different industries. They will also give you an update on important areas, global trends and what to focus on in the near future to become a winner.

One of the important areas we will touch is sustainability trends in tax. Every company that is ready for the future, already sees tax as a cornerstone of a sustainable business – if you are behind, what can you do? Our tax experts have already agreed that aggressive tax planning is far behind us. During the webinar they will guide you to increase your company’s value instead of loosing your corporate goodwill – by handling the important tax issues in the right way. Our expert will also go through country specific sustainable tax initiatives.


Registration can be found HERE.