“On the basis of an industrial real estate project, we are seeking to offer an industrial building with the highest energy-efficiency rating, A++, to allow potential investors at the Marijampolė FEZ to quickly set up and begin operating. Adapting the building to a manufacturer’s particular needs will be fast, convenient, and in the near future could be expanded to adjacent plots of land,” says Simonas Petrulis, CEO of the Marijampolė FEZ, explaining the significance of the latest project.

The 5,440-square-metre building will be built for potential investors who plan to manufacture higher-value-added and mid-range products. To shorten the time required for investors to set up and begin operating, it is planned to build the infrastructure of the building’s land plot: paved surfaces, utility systems, parking areas for cars and bicycles, and EV charging stations.

The project also includes the use of smart device controllers and a solar power plant, which will supply electricity for use in the industrial building.

UAB “2L Architects”, the designers of the building, are well-known in the Lithuanian market for industrial buildings. The numbers prove it: of the 12 largest investment projects being built in the country, “2L Architects” has designed 7. In their designs, the architects emphasise the highest technological standards and sustainability, while efficiency and direct interaction among the different participants in the project are ensured by the fact that the “2L” team includes engineers as well as architects.

The Marijampolė FEZ is located along the Via Baltica route, in the segment between Kaunas and Marijampolė. It is a transit area, offering investors the opportunity to make extensive use of road and rail transport for moving freight overland to Europe and Asia. The Rail Baltica II railway will soon ensure fast and efficient freight movement among the countries of Scandinavia, Eastern and Western Europe.

This project is partially funded by INVEGA through the financial support measure “Construction of standard industrial-use buildings in free economic zones, industrial parks and other industrial areas”. The project is funded by INVEGA with funds from the national budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

More information: Marijampolės LEZ pastatas: su įrenginių valdikliais ir saulės elektrine – Verslo žinios (vz.lt)