We invite you to join our member Grant Thornton Baltic online webinar “Key Tax changes in Baltics 2024”
Grant Thornton Baltic tax experts will discuss the following relevant tax topics:
- Payroll taxes;
- VAT changes;
- Changes of Corporate income tax law;
- Changes in tax administration;
- Upcoming tax reform;
Main Speakers from Grant Thornton Baltic:
- Vykintas Valiulis, Partner, Tax Partner (LT);
- Mārtiņš Lubgans, Head of Tax (LV);
- Kristjan Järve, Partner in charge of Tax services (EE).
During the seminar there will be an opportunity to ask your questions.
The webinar will be recorded and the slides will be shared with the participants after the event.
Date: 2024 01 09
Time: 15:00-16:30
Venue: online
Participation: free of charge, must register
In cooperation with:
- Estonian Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania
- Norwegian – Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce
- Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
- Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce
- Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia