Baltic FEZ (Marijampoles LEZ) is a free economic zone located in a strategically well-accessible South-Western region of Lithuania (Marijampole region), which borders with Poland and Russia Baltic FEZ aims to initiate new business partnerships of local and foreign investments
Coherent Solutions
Coherent Solutions is a custom software product development and consulting company Our cross-functional global delivery model reduces development costs while increasing speed to market Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota with locations in Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus Named a
Consulté AB
Consulté AB is consulting, education and accounting company in Sweden for foreign entrepreneurs The company was established in 2009 as the first consulting company in Sweden with focus on Baltic entrepreneurs which at that time started to explore the
Consulte Baltic
Consulté Baltic, UAB is a part of Consulté Baltic Group AB in Sweden, which focuses on Business consultations, education on Swedish culture and work module, accounting services for foreign entrepreneurs who are starting to explore the Scandinavian market
Consulté Baltic,
EKL Consulting
EKL Business Mediation Ltd offers companies in Sweden and Lithuania support with finding potential markets and business relations between the two countries
Ellex Valiunas
Ellex Valiunas, a member of Ellex, a circle of leading Baltic law firms, is the largest specialised legal team in Lithuania, with a solid portfolio of cross-border experience both in international projects and landmark local deals in the region,