Dear Members and Friends,

You are kindly invited to a business breakfast on Friday, May 31, 09:15 – 11:00 at the Embassy of Finland, K. Kalinausko 24. The business breakfast subject is – Labor Code: Employer’s responsibility, Pension reform – what does it really mean?

The breakfast will have two parts – the Labor Code issues will be discussed first and in the second part will deal with the pension reform introduced this year and what one should know about the Sodra pension.

The New Labor Code is in place for almost 2 years now. Various requirements have been implemented by the companies and some practices have changed. SCCL member Fondia business legal services provider will share the answers to the most frequently asked questions by the employers today.

During the second part of the breakfast our member Profinas will explain what will be Sodra’s payments upon retirement, what is necessary to do before 1 July 2019 and how to benefit pension using other funds.

Register here.