Tegra Nordics is a product development and distribution company in Northern Europe with 25 years of experience in DIY and professional construction industry. Key product groups include adhesives, sealants, aerosol spray paint and self-adhesive tapes. Clients in Sweden 🇸🇪 are offered intuitive product design, ready-to-sell products and POS materials for the stores, delivery of high quality certified products from Falun to any stores in Sweden in 1-2 days as well as local clients’ support.


Retailers – local hardware shops, DIY retail chains, such as Bolist, Hornbach, Bauhaus, Colorama, XL-Bygg, Byggmax Sverige, Woody Bygghandel, Beijer byggmaterial, Optimera, Jem & Fix AS and others;

Distributors of building materials/paints/sealants/adhesives/building chemistry products. More information: www.tegranordics.se Contact person: Povilas Staigis, Board Member, Tegra Nordics AB, povilas@tegra.lt