Dear All,
Thank you so much for joining the 8th European Banking & Finance Conference ‘20! It’s been a long and winding road until we got there – we hope that the experience has been worth it, both for the participants at the conference venue and for the remote attendees!
Thanks once again to all the speakers – please find their presentations enclosed.
Lina Šiūmetė, Chairperson of SCCL, CO2 footprint;
Vilius Šapoka, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, Opening Address;
Morten Hansen, Head of the Economics Department, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and Vice-Chairman, Latvian Fiscal Discipline Council, Macro-economic Overview;
Jekaterina Govina, Executive Director of Supervision Service, the Bank of Lithuania, De-Risking as a Response to Enhanced AML Supervisory Measures an What to Do About That;
Federica Taccogna , Partner in the Financial Services practice, FTI Consulting, AML and FinTechs- Disrupting the Disruptors;
Anders Larsson, Head of Corporate Banking, SEB, Sustainable Banking- the New Normal;
Lina Rollby Claesson, Chief of Compliance Officer, Intrum AB, Developing Secondary Markets for NPLs in a Shattered Legal Landscape;
Vytenis Šimkus, Senior Economist, Swedbank Lietuva, Fifty Shades of V or Why Countries Suffered Unevenly in the Face of Pandemic;
Martin Georgzén, CSO, P27 Nordic Payments Platform, How to Build a Fully Integrated Payments Region Across the Nordics;
Darius Klimašauskas, Advisory Director at the Vilnius office, KPMG M&A, Post-COVID Effects on Banks, FinTechs and their Clients: what the Near Future Holds (attached);
Justinas Badaras , Business Development Manager, Bankera Lithuania, Challenges of Traditional Banks- Opportunities of FinThechs and vice versa;
Monika Rimkūnaitė Bložė, CEO and a member of the Management Board, European Merchant Bank, Along the Merchant’s Road;
Alan Goodrich, Regional Sales Manager, ERI, A Digital Journey- Back to the Future;
Liudas Rimkus, Head of the Marketing, SEB Lithuania, How to Stay Relevant in the Social Media Bubble?
Last, but not least, big thanks to TGS Baltic and the Embassy of Sweden in Vilnius for their support and cooperation in organizing this event! Our appreciation also go to SCCL Member Grand Hotel Kempinski Vilnius for their hospitality and welcoming service.
Please find the moments of the event in our photo Gallery.
Bästa hälsningar / Best Regards / Geriausi linkėjimai,
SCCL Office
Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania
“WorkLand Lithuania”, Gedimino ave. 20, Vilnius 01103 |
M +37065528266